Network News: Shhh! Don't Tell Dad
A trusted network is something no entrepreneur should be without
A trusted network is something no entrepreneur should be without.
The 9others AGM
It was a major event in the 9others calendar for Matthew & Katie last Thursday....
...the 9others AGM!
That's sort of code for ‘Matthew & Katie pick somewhere nice for dinner and talk about the year ahead’.
Last week had an added bit of nostalgia and warmth to it though because this AGM was in Daniel Land's new place, Don’t Tell Dad.
Nostalgic because in 2011 we first met Dan on the first day he opened the first Coco di Mama on Fleet Street1.
That Coco became our second home from just before 6am2 until 8am, after which we had to head to our day-jobs. It was in that first Coco that we plotted out what 9others would be, who is was for and how it would operate.
New in NW6
So it was just terrific to get into the warmth of Don’t Tell Dad last week and plot more about what's next for 9others. (Spoiler: We were plotting about Founders Focus (see below) which is all about helping with the ‘then what…?’ that comes after a meal with 9others).
Anyway, all this to say — if you find yourself in London get over to Don’t Tell Dad — it's a bakery, so open 8am until 3ish for coffee, croissants and all that, you can get lunch from midday until 2pm (Friday — Sunday only) and you can go there for dinner from 5:30pm onwards, like we did.
And the food?
Amazing. Last night we had oxtail crumpets, braised pork (oof!) and monk cheeks, then sea bass and spiced mallard (incredible!) followed by madeleines with orange & cream and a rhubarb tart with clotted cream.
Seriously, this is a special place — check out the menu here and get yourselves booked in here, then you can say you were there in the early days.
Thanks again to Dan and your lovely team, there’s no doubt we’ll be seeing you again very soon.

Founders (need) Focus
This week we shared that we’re starting Founders Focus, a new membership program from 9others; a space for you to carve out time to work on the hard things that really matter. Check out the announcement here.
What does it do?
Founders Focus keeps you focused, accountable and connected.
Who it’s for?
Founders Focus will suit Solo Founders, Remote (Co) Founders, and Freelancers, CxOs and Side Hustlers.
Read more and check out the FAQs on the 9others Notion, here.
We hope you’ll join us.

Upcoming meals with 9others
Wednesday 29th January — London — details and signup here.
Tuesday 4th February — Manchester — details and signup here.
Wednesday 19th February — London — details and signup here.
If you’d like to host in your city please email
Before Coco we’d often have to wait outside other coffeeshops in the cold for 5 minutes looking through the window & waiting for the baristas to be ready to unlock the door. They’d see us and tap the sign. Dan didn’t. Dan welcomed us into the warm.