Upcoming meals with 9others
Wednesday 31st January — London — details and signup here.
Thanks for everything in 2023.
You’ve helped and challenged each other, you’ve shown up and done the work, you’ve been generous and we’re extremely grateful.
We’ve hosted meals with 9others around the world, written a book, got back into hosting Winter & Summer parties and Weekend Reading — hopefully we’ve helped out here & there.
So on to 2024.
Something we think about is Greg Brockman’s line, “Do one impossible thing each year”.
What’s yours?
If you wait for perfection you’ll never get started1.
Therefore if you’re doing it right it’ll be difficult. It’ll require discipline, you’ll probably face criticism and rejection. We’re sure you’ll need the help of others.
Take a break in the next week or so, then get to it.
And remember Seth Godin please: Mozart, not muzak.
News of your own?
If you have any news you want to share with the 9others network just hit reply or email Matthew on matthew@9others.com
Upcoming meals with 9others
Wednesday 31st January — London — details and signup here.