‘Everyone is so scared of downrounds’: A startup banker on the current market by Eleanor Warnock
““It's a huge concern for me as a British citizen that for most of my investing clients in the venture capital and growth equity space, fundamentally, the end pound or end dollar is in fact a dollar, not a pound,” he says. “It could be a Canadian dollar or a Singaporean dollar. But it's not a British pound....”
Different Kinds of BS by Morgan Housel
“Bullshit can go unnoticed because people are more concerned with lies. Lies, once spotted, are unmistakable and their damage is obvious. But bullshit stops just short of a lie, mixing the integrity of the truth with the deceit of a lie in a way that leaves both the bullshiter and his recipient feeling satisfied....”
School Is for Wasting Time and Money by Bryan Caplan
“How do we know all this? My work focuses on tests of adult knowledge — what adults retain after graduation. The general pattern is that grown-ups have shockingly little academic knowledge. College graduates know about what you’d expect high school graduates to know; high school graduates know about what you’d expect dropouts to know; dropouts know next to nothing. This doesn’t mean that these students never knew more; it just means that only a tiny fraction of what they learn durably stays in their heads.”…”
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Wednesday 26th July — London — details and signup here.
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