Algorithms are deciding who gets organ transplants. Are their decisions fair? by Madhumita Murgia
“In summer 2021, about the time Sarah turned 28, her liver began to fail. Until then, she’d managed her health with a combination of drugs and other therapies, which constantly sent her in and out of hospital. During the pandemic, she avoided hospitals, and her mother Cathy noticed the whites of her eyes were turning yellow. One afternoon, Sarah suddenly became confused and drowsy, displaying signs of what Cathy knew to be hepatic encephalopathy, the slow poisoning of the brain caused by poor liver function…”
Encryption backdoor debate 'done and dusted,' former White House tech advisor says. by Jessica Lyons
“After decades of advocating against using this type of secure messaging, "encryption is your friend," Jeff Greene, CISA's executive assistant director for cybersecurity, told journalists last month at a press briefing with a senior FBI official, who also advised us to use "responsibly managed encryption" for phone calls and text messages…”
Hindenburg Research shorts Jack Dorsey’s payments group Block by Joshua Franklin and Ortenca Aliaj and Oliver Ralph
“New York-based Hindenburg first came to prominence in 2020 when it claimed truck start-up Nikola’s business was a fraud. Earlier this year, it accused Indian billionaire Gautam Adani, at the time the third-richest person in the world, of “pulling the largest con in corporate history”. The report helped wipe about $100bn off his empire’s market value. Adani has denied the allegation…”
Founders (need) Focus
This week we shared that we’re starting Founders Focus, a new membership program from 9others; a space for you to carve out time to work on the hard things that really matter. Check out the announcement here.
What does it do?
Founders Focus keeps you focused, accountable and connected.
Who it’s for?
Founders Focus will suit Solo Founders, Remote (Co) Founders, and Freelancers, CxOs and Side Hustlers.
Read more and check out the FAQs on the 9others Notion, here.
We hope you’ll join us.