Moore's Law for Everything by Sam Altman
“We need to design a system that embraces this technological future and taxes the assets that will make up most of the value in that world–companies and land–in order to fairly distribute some of the coming wealth. Doing so can make the society of the future much less divisive and enable everyone to participate in its gains.…”
Sam Altman’s Manifest Destiny by Tad Friend
“At a hundred and thirty pounds, Altman is poised as a clothespin, fierce as a horned owl. Even in a Valley that worships productivity, he is an outlier, plowing through e-mails and meetings as if strapped to a time bomb, his unblinking stare speeding up colleagues until they sound like ....”
How People Are Really Using GenAI by Marc Zao-Sanders
“There are many use cases for generative AI, spanning a vast number of areas of domestic and work life. The use of this technology is as wide-ranging as the problems we encounter in our lives. We divided the 100 categories we identified into six top-level themes, which give an immediate sense of what generative AI is being used for…”
Upcoming meals with 9others
Wednesday 24 April — London — details and signup here.