“I was faster than anyone I knew, and I held my accomplishments like a talisman against everyone who dared to underestimate me ...”
Fire in a Crowded Forest by Andrew Wilkinson
“In 2009 and 2010, I spent a lot of time reflecting on my close call. I never wanted to feel exposed like that again. So I made some changes …”
Leon Black’s No Good, Very Bad Year by Ian Gordon
“He smiled wide in black and white under a cold, sans-serif headline: RUTHLESS. ‘Nobody makes money,’ read the coverline, ‘like Apollo’s Leon Black ...’”
Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economy by Paul Graham
“If nuclear winter really is here, it may be safer to be a cockroach even than to keep your job. Customers may drop off individually if they can no longer afford you, but you're not going to lose them all at once; markets don't ‘reduce headcount ...’”
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