Psychological Paths of Least Resistance by Morgan Housel
“I remember reading a book about World War II through the eyes of German soldiers. One said he couldn’t understand why the American soldiers were so angry at Germany – couldn’t they see that the Nazis were there to save Europe, that they were the good guys? It’s astounding to read, both because it’s crazy and because it offers a glimpse into how...”
How Cal Newport rewrote the productivity gospel by Courtney Weaver
“Laurie Abkemeier, Newport’s longtime agent, told me his books had always been about the same thing: “work smarter, not harder”. The best students at his Ivy League college, Newport observed in one of his earlier works, were not the ones camped out 24-7 in the library, but those who were able to carve out time for fun and to clearly delineate between work and non-work....”
Brian Chesky Isn't Running Airbnb--He's 'Designing' It by Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
“I think metrics are great, but you need to know what they mean. Metrics without context are a problem. And remember, most metrics are of people. You've got to be careful about people becoming numbers, and getting emotionally detached. The second-best antidote to that is talking to your customers. The best antidote is being the customer. You have to put yourself in the customer's shoes…”
‘Find Your 9others’
‘Find your 9others’, the book about the first 10 years of 9others is available for pre-order here.
From the blurb:
If you could sit down to dinner with some of the world's most ambitious startup entrepreneurs, what would you ask them?
Since 2011, 9others has hosted over 5,000 entrepreneurs at 500 events in over 45 cities around the world and asked one simple question: what's keeping you up at night? We’ve heard the challenges that entrepreneurs all around the world have faced; their thinking and the behavioural traits that helped them overcome those challenges.
In this book, 9others founders Katie Lewis and Matthew Stafford will help you discover the questions you should be asking yourself as you start and scale your own start up, and why you should go on your own journey to find your 9others.
Upcoming meals with 9others
Wednesday 26th April — London — details and signup here.
Join us to celebrate the launch of 'Find your 9others' — Thursday June 29th — London — details and signup here
Please book in & share with good people you know in the above cities.