The CIA and Time Magazine: Journalistic Ethics and Newsroom Dissent by Simon Willmetts
“Journalistic independence and credibility were not the only core values threatened by the CIA’s arrangement with Time Inc. Source protection was also on the line. When sources spoke to Time Inc.’s journalists they did so, presumably, without the knowledge that the journalist’s dispatches would be sent directly to the CIA. With direct access to these journalists’ confidential overseas reports, the CIA obtained privileged information that, due to censorship in places like Moscow and the developing eastern bloc, would often not make it into print. The identity of the sources who provided that information…”
Ron Conway Explained by Ben Horowitz
“Before doing so, I need to make some important disclosures. Ron is an investor in Andreessen Horowitz. I am an investor in Ron’s new fund. Ron has made significant donations to my favorite charity (Via Rehabilitation Services). I have made significant donations to Ron’s favorite charity (UCSF Medical). Ron’s son Ronny works for Andreessen Horowitz. Ron was an investor in Loudcloud/Opsware (the company that I founded). Ron and Andreessen Horowitz have co-invested in many companies and we plan to co-invest in many more…”
A Message From the Past Thoughts on Nostalgia by Morgan Housel
“This guy [Niccolo Soldo] is a fucking retard. It's important that we let absolute retards like him publish at Substack because they will attract other retards who also think too highly of themselves and their own intelligence and overestimate their value to society. Retards are good for the top line and the bottom line. Don't ever, ever forget this important lesson in building a successful business. I shit successful businesses out every fucking morning, unlike your retards. You can quote me on this…”
Founders (need) Focus
This week we shared that we’re starting Founders Focus, a new membership program from 9others; a space for you to carve out time to work on the hard things that really matter. Check out the announcement here.
What does it do?
Founders Focus keeps you focused, accountable and connected.
Who it’s for?
Founders Focus will suit Solo Founders, Remote (Co) Founders, and Freelancers, CxOs and Side Hustlers.
Read more and check out the FAQs on the 9others Notion, here.
We hope you’ll join us.