How to Pitch Your Company by Michael Seibel
“Between your market and your unique insight, you have two opportunities to teach me something. A startup’s unique insight often gives me more of an aha moment than the explanation of what the company does …”
How brain surgeon Henry Marsh went from doctor to patient: ‘I blurted out the question we all ask – how long have I got?’ by Henry Marsh
“I always downplayed the extent of these age-related changes seen on brain scans when talking to my patients, just as I never spelled it out that, with some operations, you must remove part of the brain. We are all so suggestible that doctors must choose their words very carefully …”
The Magic of a Little Danger by Arthur Brooks
“It was a personal challenge for her that went against her long-held self-image of someone incapable of strenuous physical activity and pain ...”
Upcoming meals with 9others
Manchester — Thursday 8th September — details and signup here.
London — Wednesday 28th September — details and signup here.
Please book in & share with good people you know in the above cities.