Minimum Levels of Stress by Morgan Housel
“Psychologist Nick Haslam once described what he called Concept Creep. It’s when the definition of a problem expands beyond its original boundaries. It often gives the impression that the world is getting worse when what’s changed is our definition of what counts as a problem. It happens two ways…”
Gmail creator Paul Buchheit on how to build something 100 people love by Paul Buchheit
“…Email was 30 years old when Paul started building Gmail, and it’s pretty much impossible to enter a space like that and build something that appeals to everyone. If you try, what you will end up building is a mediocre product that nobody really loves…”
For Whom Shall We Build? by Marc Andreessen
“The desire to avoid actually thinking about the future is not as strange, or as unusual, as it might seem. It is selfish, in a sense, or maybe vain. It often bespeaks a kind of vanity unable to imagine the world without ourselves in it, and to take pleasure in benefiting our successors. The future, after all, is the home of other people — people who will follow us when we are gone. To build durable infrastructure for future prosperity is to build for those other people. And the inability to value those other people and judge them worthy of our work and sacrifice is a characteristic failing of a decadent society.…”
Founders (need) Focus
This week we shared that we’re starting Founders Focus, a new membership program from 9others; a space for you to carve out time to work on the hard things that really matter. Check out the announcement here.
What does it do?
Founders Focus keeps you focused, accountable and connected.
Who it’s for?
Founders Focus will suit Solo Founders, Remote (Co) Founders, and Freelancers, CxOs and Side Hustlers.
Read more and check out the FAQs on the 9others Notion, here.
We hope you’ll join us.