Sinking Giggling into the Sea by Jonathan Coe
“In that sketch, a worried Moore listens trustingly as a succession of posh-voiced government spokesmen seek to reassure him that all the appropriate measures are in place in the event of a nuclear attack....”
What is neurodiversity? by Nicole Baumer and Julia Frueh
“Medical evaluation and treatment is important for individuals with ASD. For example, establishing a formal diagnosis may enable access to social and medical services if needed. A diagnostic explanation may help the individual or their family understand their differences better and enable community connections. Additionally, neurodevelopmental conditions may also be associated with other health issues that require extra monitoring or treatment. It is important that people who....”
Profanity & Profundity: Catching Up With Miriam Margolyes, Our Naughtiest National Treasure by Chris Godfrey
“After university Margolyes sold encyclopaedias while trying to make it as an actor, taking on small roles where she could until eventually getting cast in a BBC radio drama. It was there she met her partner, Heather. They’ve been together ever since, 54 years, though have never cohabited, with Heather living in Amsterdam. “We were able to lead our lives without diminishing them,” says Margolyes…”