The Infinite-Monkey Theorem: Field Notes by Reuven Perlman
“My presence is now widely known, and any prior concerns about my being rejected by the group have been quashed. In fact, having learned that I’m not a literary agent or a publisher and that I have no connections in Hollywood, the monkeys have started to ignore me entirely…”
Announcing Not Boring Capital Fund III by Packy McCormick
“Over the past year, I’ve realized that we have the opportunity to make Not Boring Capital a top tier venture fund that’s around for decades, and to do that, we need to evolve. The core of Not Boring Capital remains the same: help companies tell their stories. It’s just getting some upgrades...”
How Stanford Failed the Academic Freedom Test by Jay Bhattacharya
“Academic freedom matters most in the edge cases when a faculty member or student is pursuing an idea that others at the university find inconvenient or objectionable. If Stanford cannot protect academic freedom in these cases, it cannot protect academic freedom at all.”
For 2,000 years, the Jewishness of Jesus hasn’t counted by David Baddiel
“So Tom Holland’s historical finessing disrupted my thinking. But then I delved a bit further into what scant evidence there is of the life of the historical Yeshua. And even if ancient Judeans do differ a fair bit from the good men and women of Hampstead Garden Suburb, there’s a lot that speaks to me of Jewishness…”
How Crispin Odey evaded sexual assault allegations for decades by Madison Marriage, Antonia Cundy and Paul Caruana Galizia
“Maher came to dread Odey’s approach. A grand staircase swept upwards from behind the reception desk towards the trading floors. Sitting at her desk, Maher could always hear when Odey was coming down the stairs, and her anxiety grew as his footsteps drew nearer”.
Upcoming meals with 9others
Tuesday 20th June — Manchester — details and signup here.
Summer Party with more than 9others
Thursday June 29th — London — details and signup here
Please book in & share with good people you know in the above cities.