The aftermath of Silicon Valley’s ugliest decade by Richard Waters
“As capital has become more expensive and competition has waned, the subsidised rides and deliveries that drove Uber’s growth have largely ended. Pushing less well capitalised rivals to the sidelines before raising prices was always at the heart of the plan championed by Uber’s early backers — though they probably didn’t think it would take 14 years to get to this point....”
A monumental UFO scandal is looming BY MARIK VON RENNENKAMPFF
“I. Charles McCullough, III, the intelligence community’s first inspector general and now an attorney in private practice, represents Grusch and sat directly behind him during a July 26 congressional hearing. It is extremely unlikely that such a high-profile lawyer and former top federal official would represent anyone making the kinds of extraordinary claims that Grusch is without robust evidence.....”
How the Marvel Cinematic Universe Swallowed Hollywood By Michael Schulman
“The company, which had filed for bankruptcy a few years earlier, had set up the L.A. branch to license Marvel characters to Hollywood; Yost’s job was to dig through the vast library of characters and help package them for studios, “basically try to drum up interest.” He and Feige had long bull sessions about Namor, a sea-dwelling mutant. On the last day of his internship, Yost left the executives a sci-fi sample script, and he got a job writing for the animated series “X-Men: Evolution.….”
This is where we want to go by Nick & Zak's
“Their words evoke Warren Buffett’s famous warning to only invest in companies that you would feel comfortable owning if the stock market closed down for five years. Only the most honest, well-run, dominant businesses can provide that kind of peace of mind. These are the companies that everyone should aim to own in their portfolios.….”
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Thursday 14th September — Manchester — details and signup here.
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