“Why Build a Personal Library? by Joel J Miller
“Schröder designed and built the shelving himself. “The most amazing pieces of furniture,” said Kleinhubbert, “can be found in the attic. . . . Schröder has equipped the sloping ceilings with shelves, which now contain around 12,000 books, all neatly sorted by publisher.” How do the books stay up while facing the ground at an angle? Shelf-wide strips of bracing prevent the tomes from tumbling ...”
Great tech doesn't make great VC business by Dragos Novac
“Strava says will keep the two as standalone ops, while it incorporates the map tech into its product. After that, it will probably make sense to fold Fatmap - the same happened with the French from Zenly, which Snapchat closed down at the end of last year. It’s just business, at the end of the day …”
Crossing Over by J.R. Moehinger
“Gee’s Bend is where the Civil War came and went, but the slaves stayed, and their children stayed, and their grandchildren stayed, and their great-grandchildren, and so on, until today, Mary Lee and 700 of her kin cling to this bulb of bottom land that their ancestors were chained to. They bear the surnames of the last slaveholders to live here. They grow corn near the slaveholders’ headstones. They come and go amid the ghosts and dust devils that dance on the site of the old Big House …”
This Film Does Not Exist by Frank Pavich
“After adapting the novel into a screenplay, he worked for two years with a team of artists — his “spiritual warriors”: the British illustrator Chris Foss, who helped him design his striped spaceships; the Swiss artist H.R. Giger, whose dark style would help him create the home planet of the film’s villains; the American special effects innovator Dan O’Bannon; and, of course, Jean Giraud, France’s greatest comics artist, who would help Alejandro design the costumes, as well as draw the more than 3,000 storyboard sketches needed to visualize this epic tale …”
‘Find Your 9others’
‘Find your 9others’, the book about the first 10 years of 9others is available for pre-order here.
From the blurb:
If you could sit down to dinner with some of the world's most ambitious startup entrepreneurs, what would you ask them?
Since 2011, 9others has hosted over 5,000 entrepreneurs at 500 events in over 45 cities around the world and asked one simple question: what's keeping you up at night? We’ve heard the challenges that entrepreneurs all around the world have faced; their thinking and the behavioural traits that helped them overcome those challenges.
In this book, 9others founders Katie Lewis and Matthew Stafford will help you discover the questions you should be asking yourself as you start and scale your own start up, and why you should go on your own journey to find your 9others.
Upcoming meals with 9others
Thursday 23rd March — Berlin — details and signup here.
Wednesday 29th March — London — details and signup here.
Tuesday 18th April — Manchester — details and signup here.
Wednesday 26th April — London — details and signup here.
Please book in & share with good people you know in the above cities.