Question 2:
“Without judgement, how could anybody decide if they wanted to buy from you, or partner with you, or work for you?
“We’re all making judgements all day, every day, and they ultimately guide our choices. That’s because we are all in search of something, be that solutions, meaning, peace or something else…
“Take action. Try something. Put yourself out there”.
In this chapter we share how entrepreneurs have to get comfortable putting their head above the parapet and understand that it’s normally a long slog getting noticed, but it’s worth all those days (and weeks, and months) of feeling uncomfortable.
‘From the dinner table’ you’ll hear why Tim Armoo thinks visibility is a superpower and what entrepreneur-turned-VC Zoe Peden did to open up VC as a career path for others in what is a pretty closed industry.
Plus you’ll read about Stuart Logan and Josh Bolland, the 9others hosts in Manchester, and how hosting 9others for entrepreneurs led Stuart to the most effective and authentic way to connect with investors and for serious networker Josh how 9others is just that bit different.
Grab your copy
Our book, “Find your 9others”, is out this week.
The paperback edition is here on Amazon.
The kindle edition is here.
Signed paperback or signed hardback copies are here.
If you grab a copy please leave an Amazon review here, just like Tilopa did:
News of your own?
If you have any news you want to share with the 9others network just hit reply or email Matthew on matthew@9others.com
Upcoming meals with 9others
Wednesday 2nd August — London — details and signup here.
Thursday 14th September — Manchester — details and signup here.