9others coming soon…
Wednesday 24th March 2021, 18:30 (UK) — details and sign-up here.
Wednesday 28th April 2021, 18:30 (UK) — details and sign-up here.
Ditching Facebook?
At each meal with 9others each person in turn shares what’s keeping them up at night and the others try to help by asking questions, suggesting solutions and sharing their our own experiences.
At a meal with 9others a while back a founder came along and shared the following dilemma and has agreed to let me ask you for your feedback…
“As an ethical company dedicated to positive environmental and social impact, should I advertise on Facebook, Instagram and Google when I believe those companies are not ethical themselves?
The problem is, I get 80% of my sales via those channels…”
What would you do?
What would you suggest the founder does?
Have you actually done or thought about ditching Facebook or others?
What would help you make a decision like this?
And how would you do it?
Is advertising with those companies all or nothing?
Can this be tested somehow?
If you’ve done it, did it work out for the best?
Let me know
Please hit reply to let me know your feedback and I’ll pass it on to the founder…